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Undergraduate/Graduate Students (Masters・PhD) Positions Available 

Immune reaction is involved in most diseases more or less. If immune response is too much, it will cause inflammatory diseases such as autoimmune disease, arthritis, and allergic dermatitis. If immune response is not enough, human body cannot protect from pathogens such as bacteria and viruses, or even cancer. 

We are looking for individuals who are ambitious and passionate about our research. 

We don't ask any experience or your study background. But interest and passion is a must.

To become a successful researcher in global stage, it is necessary to have research capabilities, presentation skills and high communication skills. 


We ask students to participate in lab meeting with our sister's lab. Meeting will be held in English. Students are encouraged to present their research at international conference in English. 


If you would like to be a part of our lab team, please contact from "Join" page.   

Lab Tour 

​We offer students a day tour to see what it's like to be in our lab. If you are interested, students can also join our weekly lab meeting or the journal club. 

​If you would like to be a part of our lab team, please contact from "Join" page. 

​​​Contact Us


Kita 15, Nishi 7, Kita-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido 

Hokkaido University

Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine 

​Department of Immunology 

Tel: 011-706-5056 | Fax: 011-706-7866




Positions Available 

​(PhD and Masters candidate) 


© 2017 Hokkaido University Kobayashi Lab, All Rights Reserved. 

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