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Immunology Lecture Series 

Students are exposed to lectures given by top scientists in the field in immunology. The oversea interactive lectures are supported by cutting edge online conference technology by the Open Education Center at the Hokkaido University. ​Students are able to discuss with lecturers via online.

2017-2018 Lecture Schedule 

POPS (Patient-Oriented Problem Solving) Exercise 

POPS is an active learning system based on the clinical cases. By solving problems for each clinical case, students are expected to understand disciplines in basic medical science at greater depth. Students work on each case by a group. Active teaching and learning among students are expected. Students are expected to solve all problems by each group without much help of instructors. Studies at home by take pre-test is expected and essential. 

Typically, POPS exercise is performed as below. 



1) Read assignment (each student takes different booklet)

2) Take pre-test 

3) Read provided reading materials and specified textbook related to pre-test 


4) Correct your pre-test as a group using the answers provided in each packet 

5) Each member present his/her patient case and ask the most appropriate treatment​/procedures (each member has different case or problem)

6) Write up the answer sheet. Use any resource materials you wish (notes, textbooks, websites, class notes, etc.) 

7) Compare the correct answer to the exercise with your group's answer 

​8) Take the post-test individually 

9) Correct the post-test as a group and submit the answer. After you've finished, you can leave the room

​10) You will be notified for the score of your group 

During POPS. Problem solving and decision making in groups. 

Our undergraduate class was featured in a magazine "DOCTORASE vol. 31", an informational magazine for medical students! Thank you! 

Online page of the article ↓


​​​Contact Us


Kita 15, Nishi 7, Kita-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido 

Hokkaido University

Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine 

​Department of Immunology 

Tel: 011-706-5056 | Fax: 011-706-7866




Positions Available 

​(PhD and Masters candidate) 


© 2017 Hokkaido University Kobayashi Lab, All Rights Reserved. 

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