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Thank you for visiting us!

Dr. Saito (from RIKEN institute) and Dr. Sawa (from Kyushu University)'s visitation this year again helped us a lot for our undergraduate immunology class and a guidance towards our research! Thank you very much and your effort to put them into us! We are already looking forward to your next visit!

With a great view overlooking the christmas lighting of Odori Koen. With our staff and Dr. Taniguchi from Department of Pathology (Dr. Saito from second left).

Dr. Sawa with our staff members. It was tasty sea-urchin nabe :)



​​​Contact Us


Kita 15, Nishi 7, Kita-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido 

Hokkaido University

Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine 

​Department of Immunology 

Tel: 011-706-5056 | Fax: 011-706-7866




Positions Available 

​(PhD and Masters candidate) 


© 2017 Hokkaido University Kobayashi Lab, All Rights Reserved. 

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