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Prof. Behar's visit (from UMass)

As a collaborative project with Hokkaido University Vaccine Development Center (IVReD), we hosted Prof. Samuel Behar from University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School. Prof. Behar focuses on the vaccine development of tuberculosis, and

listening to his most-recent studies on this topic was very inspiring. Thank you for giving a seminar and joining our research discussion with our fellow leaders and lab members.

⇨Dr. Sawa, Matsuo, Nakajima, Kobayashi, Tanaka joining along with Prof. Behar for dinner!



​​​Contact Us


Kita 15, Nishi 7, Kita-ku, Sapporo Hokkaido 

Hokkaido University

Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine 

​Department of Immunology 

Tel: 011-706-5056 | Fax: 011-706-7866




Positions Available 

​(PhD and Masters candidate) 


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