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The Japanese graduation season is in March, but in the U.S., the season is May and June. The official name for the graduation ceremony in U.S. is called "commencement". Regular uniform for the graduation is a gown and a square academic cap, which we all look like a student from Harry Potter's movie. :) The color of the gown depends on the university and the degree you achieved. Each university may invite famous guest speakers. At Yale and Harvard, guests were all well-known successful leaders.

Former president, George W. Bush was one of the guest speaker at Texas A&M University in the past. Now, he's resting at peace at George W. Bush Presidential Library and Museum with his wife Barbara, with were built in the campus in 1997.

Picture 1: Saptha, congratulations on your achievements!

Picture 2: With Dr. Dashwood, who also visited our lab at Hokkaido University.



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