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End of the year party 2022

It's around the time for the end of the year!

Thank you everyone for all the hard work and effort you put throughout this year! It was a cheerful year for the lab, as we got 3 new students from abroad and Tanaka sensei's new arrival.

Thank you Kasuga san (D2) for organizing this party!

Here are some of the pictures we took...

After this party, we also played a game of who's-the-winner-for-the-chip-packing game. The quickest person would be the winner, and Baohui (D3) san was the absolute winner. ^_^ Congratulations on winning over the expensive meat!

We can't wait what a new year is waiting for us!



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Hokkaido University

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​Department of Immunology 

Tel: 011-706-5056 | Fax: 011-706-7866




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